Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Still raging...

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Dylan Thomas

Well, as some of you were aware, today was my d-day.  Earlier this morning I saw my haematology consultant to get the results of the scan which would tell me whether the seemingly never-ending, brutal treatment programme I've been going through since last October has worked or not.

And the good news is, it has. I AM IN REMISSION!!! :-) :-) :-)

So, cancer has been sent packing again and hopefully this time, despite statistics that warn me otherwise, it'll get the message once and for all.  Just in case though, Kevin & I will be getting on with my bucket list, starting with our trip to California later this year, then there's a plane to be jumped out of, highest/fastest zip wires to whiz along, wonderful wines to be tasted, friends & places to be visited and many, many other amazing experiences to be lived, loved and embraced. Carpe Diem.

Lots of love from a very, very happy me.



  1. Wonderful news - the most wonderful news :) Look forward to seeing some photos from your upcoming escapades!!! Seize the day indeed. Lots of love to you both Alice xx

  2. Happy happy happy! So so pleased for you. Looking forward to a glass of something cold to celebrate and also seeing lots of photos of your international adventurers! Lots of love Clara & family xxxx

  3. Wow! Congratulations. I've checked in your blog so many times, cannot tell you how great it is to read this. Zip wire, Sanlucar de Guadiana, Spain to Alcoutim in Portugal. May not be the fastest and longest, but country to country!!!!

    1. Janet, thank you so much. And than you also for the zip wire information - I'd love to do that one! It's definitely going on the bucket list.
