Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Chemo starts. I'm scared and excited too - is that wrong?

The chemo team finally arrived in the 'unclean' ward that I was in.  There were no bells ringing  or ash scattering hags wailing 'unclean, unclean' mind you, which I suppose was a bonus although the drama could have been quite entertaining . They were fully confident of my side room hygiene given that I'd been nursed as I've said before with the vigour of a team of lionesses minding their cubs, by the wonderful team on Kennett ward. 

Thank goodness they arrived when they did - God only knows what other trouble I could have found myself in if I'd been left there hanging about much longer.  I could have multi-coloured tags by then;
  • danger of unidentified flying things
  • danger of smart arseness overload
  • ideas/thoughts welcome here people ....
The Chemo team were lovely.   Experienced, gentle individuals who reassured at every turn.

They were only able to provide the C.H.O.P parts of the treatment given the environment, there is an R part too - (we all do love an acronym don't we - doesn't matter where we work!), but that was not going to hold them back - oh no, they'd sallied forth this far out of their comfort zone - they were going as far as they could!

I was prepped i.e. are you comfortable, then lean back and relax, at which point they started pumping all sorts of lymphoma fighting goodness into me.  Kevin supported by doing Rocky type fighting moves pretending to be the good v. the bad battle inside me.  All very inspiring - he's surprisingly light on his feet you know, as those who have seen him throw a few shapes on the dance floor over the years will have noted.

The treatment was fine.  I mentioned a funny taste in my mouth at one stage, thinking uh oh, this can't be good and the fine piece of medical recommendation we received was to pop a fruit gum into my mouth.  Again, Kevin excelled in this role.

And that was it.

No nausea, then or later.  No poorliness, then or later.  Just a little tired afterwards.  Since then I've carried on the same - no nausea and definitely no loss of appetite!  This whole image of me being removed through the side window a la the mother in 'What's eating Gilbert Grape' is still looking a distinct possibility, so ease off on the choccy based gifts all. ;-)

I realise this treatment is unlikely to stay this straightforward, but long may it last if so.


  1. It was by accident I came across your blog and I just wanted to leave, that the way you are dealing with this "C" topic is heartwarming, funny, strong and massively impressive mixed up to a degree that I can only show my fullest respect to.
    My mum has been diagnosed with the C last year and did not deal with it as "arsekicking" as you (to say the least).
    But your way is the right and only way and I am bloody sure you will fight this C with such energy and positivity, that it has no chance to just bugger off.

    My heartfelt empathy and total respect. You are the ideal other people should learn a lesson from.

    The best of luck for the fight.

    I will keep on following up on it!

  2. Thank you for your kind words Katha. I intend to stay as strong as possible.

    No room for self-pity here... :-)

  3. A pleasure Aideen!

    Every finger crossed for you! If no one else, you have the strength to fight! So fight!

    And do not forget, you are not alone!

    Look forward to many more positive news!



  4. Fight to win sister! Here's to many more well days ahead, keep smiling and keep fighting - I'm reading and behind you every step girlfriend.
    Love ya!
    Claire x

  5. You see, you are not alone ;)

    You can only win!

