Sunday, 7 April 2013

The Photo Shoot...

An out of sequence post now I'm afraid, which may confuse and I daresay annoy some of more experienced bloggers (I'm very much a newbie).

In the middle of all this chaos, fear and planning my passport has decided to expire in July this year.  Now, given that I'm likely to be mid chemo at that point, I don't think I'm likely to be looking my best in the 'oh so serious photo' we need to take for this.   Clumps of hair missing or baldness may well lead to suspicion of 'disguise or false accusations down the line I feel.....  Heaven forbid, a full orifice check at some point in some hellhole of an airport.  No, this much be done properly!

I decided to be proactive and arrange a hospital based photo shoot to get some pics of how I look now.  Both for the passport image, and also as a line in the sand - this is me and Kevin now, and this might be us then.....

Now, who to help co-ordinate this major event?   Charlotte, for general drama, Loubies for artisan make-up, Kacki for BIG hair, Ickle for general co-ordination and just being wonderful.  And Millsbags decided to come along for the giggle too.  My preferred photographer was unavailable, but thank you for trying Katie, so Sally stepped into the breach with her poshty posh camera.

So I hit the the phones, and the results are below.  I will let you make your own decisions.... :-)   We were all set up for success. Then, Sally couldn't make it, but sent the camera so that was ok. Then Loubies wasn't allowed in because we were on lock down and she was pregnant, cue tears and drama from her and Kacki, bless.  Then, they wouldn't let us out of the room for any outside shots because of Norovirus.  Things were not going to plan - however, as is most cases these things work themselves out. 

We had much fun, the nurses helped with extra sheets to provide white background etc. Thank you ladies.  Some vena bena may have been consumed.... :-)  We discussed it at length and agreed I'd make a start on my own make-up and try some bright colours instead of my usual black ensemble pieces....starting with a fetching coral number from Wallis?  We ended up with this as a starter....

I decided that my hair was nowhere near big enough, so we let Kacki loose with a back comb........ and we've ended up about here.   

 Which is fine I think.... :-)
I must take this opportunity to thank my glamorous assistants.........

and to include a couple of lovely pictures Vicky took of me and Mr. J.  Hopefully many more of these to come over the years (albeit ideally a bit skinnier, obviously!.

Thank you and goodnight!  xxx

1 comment:

  1. Haha every post manages to make me laugh at some point! Gorgeous photos honey, that colour looks amazing on you. Particularly loving the one with Patsy and her pout! <3
